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    Eyes Never Wake: Pengalaman Horor Baru

    Apa itu Eyes Never Wake?

    Eyes Never Wake adalah game horor unik yang menggunakan webcam-mu untuk menciptakan pengalaman menakutkan. Monster mengawasimu melalui layarmu, dan satu-satunya cara untuk bertahan hidup adalah bersembunyi secara fisik darinya.

    Game screenshot

    Bagaimana cara bermain Eyes Never Wake?

    • Persiapan: Aktifkan webcam-mu dan bersiaplah untuk horor.
    • Jelajahi: Navigasi dunia game yang misterius.
    • Bertahan: Bersembunyilah secara fisik di bawah mejamu untuk menghindari monster.

    Fitur Utama Eyes Never Wake

    • Horor Dunia Nyata

      Webcam-mu menjadi bagian dari permainan, mengaburkan batas antara realitas dan fiksi.

    • Interaksi Fisik

      Benar-benar bersembunyi dari monster dengan menunduk di bawah mejamu.

    • Teror Psikologis

      Alami teror psikologis yang mendalam saat menjelajahi game terlarang.

    • Mekanik Unik

      Gameplay inovatif yang menggabungkan elemen virtual dan fisik!

    Pertanyaan Umum tentang Eyes Never Wake

    Trailer Eyes Never Wake

    Eyes Never Wake - Official Announcement Trailer

    Eyes Never Wake - Horror Game

    EYES NEVER WAKE - Game Announcement Trailer (He Watches Through Your WEBCAM)

    Pengalaman Pemain




    Eyes Never Wake is shaping up to be a horror masterpiece! The webcam mechanic is pure genius—hiding under my desk from that creepy AI monster had my heart racing. Can’t wait for the full release!




    I got to try a preview of Eyes Never Wake, and it’s next-level terrifying. The way it listens through my mic and watches me via webcam is unsettling. This is going to haunt me when it drops!




    Eyes Never Wake is already giving me chills just from the demo. Ducking down to avoid that thing seeing my face? Insane. It’s like the game knows me. Full release can’t come soon enough!




    The stealth in Eyes Never Wake is so intense! I love how I have to physically hide in real life. The mystery of the abandoned game world has me hooked—counting the days until launch.




    Eyes Never Wake is breaking all the rules of horror games. The fourth-wall stuff is wild—having to stay quiet or it hears you is terrifyingly brilliant. This one’s going to be a hit when it releases!




    I previewed Eyes Never Wake, and I’m still shaking. The AI monster watching me through my webcam is pure nightmare fuel. It’s not even out yet, and it’s already my most anticipated game!

    Unduh Eyes Never Wake